Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creating Space

The following is an excerpt from one of my class handouts on how to create comfort and ease in your yoga practice:

I call today's class "Creating Space" because once you lay the foundation of the pose, it is your aim to become "comfortable and at ease" in it.  The best way to achieve this is to
create space in your body and mind. How do we do this?

In some poses, it is relatively simple and, in others, it is a great challenge.  Sometimes the muscles must lengthen, a joint must open or bones must move for us to become comfortable.  Obviously, a physical process like that takes some time, as you must repeat the pose over and over. 

However, often it is the mind's approach to the pose that limits us and creates undue discomfort.  Often times, simply letting go of your mind's internal dialogue creates enough space to become more comfortable and at ease.  Don’t allow your mind to talk negatively or complain about your experience.  You must discipline it to act as a rational, logical observer – your problem solver in the pose.


In addition to sweeping away the mind's negative clutter, we can go a step further and use our breath to expand ourselves from the inner body out.  The breath, like any wind or breeze, is capable of moving into the tiniest spaces and stirring objects much denser and harder than itself.  Your breath literally can transform your body (and the pose) working from the inside out.  You can create space between each rib, each vertebrae, around your internal organs, and into the shoulder and hip joints by inhaling deeply and fully into each of those places.  Journey with your breath through the terrain of your body in the pose; follow it; and visualize it.  Your breath is your guide.  Stay connected to it in each and every moment and your practice will blossom. 



  1. loved class today. this is seriously the best things i've done for myself, in i can't even remember how long. thanks for being such a great teacher!
    xo . trina

  2. It's important to do good things for yourself!! So glad you made it a priority. I absolutely love having you in class! Thanks for sharing that special time with me.
