Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Yoga. For REAL people.

If you live in present day US, and you are not a skinny white woman doing intricate arm balances while modeling fashionable yoga wear, then you may have doubts as to whether yoga is for you................ a REAL person with a REAL body who struggles with flexibility, or balance, or strength.  

You probably think this because yoga has been largely marketed to skinny white women of a certain age.   

Don't believe the marketing machine.  

Sure, sometimes yoga looks likes skinny white women in Lululemon.  
Sometimes it looks like Indian men in ashrams.
Sometimes it looks like a new age hippie wearing birkenstocks and carrying crystals.

But, let me tell you from experience, it also looks like:

the 60 something lady with a sprained wrist who comes to class despite her injury to do just do what she can do and focus on her breath, 

or the 50 something guy whose hamstrings are super tight from a lifetime of overexertion who just wants to feel and sleep better, 

or the plus size 30 something lady who articulates every single pose with stability and balance that make me a tiny bit jealous, but mostly happy.
If you believe yoga is not for you because you are:

"not flexible"
"too fat"
not white
not female
not able to "shut off your mind"
not able to relax 
don't look good in yoga pants

Then, you may want to re-think the whole yoga thing. 

Instead, ask yourself if you want to experience anything from this list:

To know the self better.
To merge body, mind, and breath, so as to become a vessel for Spirit.
To feel healthier, more energetic, and happier.
To age gracefully.
To find greater compassion for self, and, ultimately, for others.
To feel at home in one's own skin and in one's own life.

Yoga is for the Individual who wishes to commune with Life.  If you want to achieve any of the results listed above, then yoga just might be for you!  Give it a try.
