Friday, July 6, 2012

Your Yoga Rx

Every time I watch any sort of live television lately, especially on the rare occasion that I tune into the nightly news, I am bombarded by advertisements for prescription drugs.  What do these drugs do?  I'm not always quite sure....except for the erectile dysfunction which are pretty easy to spot for obvious reasons.  But I am certain of one thing after seeing a gazillion of them.  It seems like our cultural message has become:  got an issue?  we've got a magical pill to make it all better!  This message frustrates me.  As my teacher has said on more than occasion, "If you're in pain, by all means, take the pill.  But know why you're taking it and what you need to change so you're not dependent on it."  

Unfortunately, people seem reluctant to take responsibility for their minds and bodies.  People seem unable or unwilling to commit to health.  Instead, most have chosen to become consumers of pills.  Why are we so inclined to allow medical doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and eventually the almighty dollar tell us what's wrong with us and how they can solve it?  Why are so many people relinquishing their power?

On the other hand, learning about my body through my yoga practice (my yoga Rx) is the opposite of a 30 second commercial summing up what's wrong with me and how I can "fix" it (mask symptoms).  Because, let's face it.  Its not that easy.  My yoga Rx is a completely different idea.  Its a life long journey to discover what holds me back from optimal health and wellness and find ways to release it.  It's letting go of habits in my mind and body that have become roadblocks to comfort and ease.  It is a constant tending to my whole self:  my breathing, my posture, my diet, my thoughts, my body's limitations and strengths. 

I don't mean to say that there aren't valid and important prescription drugs.  Of course, there are drugs that save lives and increase the quality of life for many people who truly have a need.  If you need it, take the pill.  By all means, get to the other side of something painful.  Western medicine is a wonderful tool when used to target specific problems as they reveal themselves.  But its primary focus is and always has been diagnosing "problems" and treating symptoms and this is where it fails in my opinion.  

A yoga Rx is a commitment to yourself and your health in every single moment of every single day.  It is completely unique to you.  Its designed by you, through experiments and trial and error over years of living in your body.  It reveals the root causes of pain by illustrating where you are resisting your truly divine nature.  It is attention and attunement to life.  Its a big time commitment, but that's because true health and happiness can't be wrapped up in a glossy 30 second package or packed in a pill.


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