"Does yoga help you lose weight?"
Boy, that's a loaded question if there ever was one.
I have had more than a few students and/or potential students pose this question to me. It is an interesting and complex one. It stops me in my tracks for a moment or two as I ponder just how exactly I want to respond.
Because, here's the first thing: my initial reaction is confusion. My own yoga practice has never been about that. Why would people care about losing weight when they can gain so many other gifts from a yoga practice? But, then here's the second thing.... thing #2........the thing I realize when I pause instead of react (important yoga lesson!): Lots of people do care. They struggle with their weight and they are willing to try almost anything to overcome it, even yoga.
One of the most amazing things my hatha yoga teacher training taught me is this:
Give people what they want.
For example, if a student comes to class with the aspiration of creating the ultimate yoga butt, then give her the information and poses she needs to attain it and don't you dare let your own ego ask why they came only for the butt and not all the other good stuff.
See, whatever it is that brings some one to yoga is of little consequence in comparison to them actually DOING the yoga.
So, over the years, I've actually put quite a lot of thought into my answer to the weight loss question because I want to help people attain their goals, but I also don't want to mislead them, or send them on a wild goose chase. Can I give people weight loss? That's a tall order.
Most scientific studies tell us that yoga does not help people lose weight. In fact, if we were very literal, linear thinking scientific type people we would take the studies at face value and we would probably believe that yoga could only make us gain weight because it slows down body processes and metabolism. Western science will tell us this is great for reducing stress and lowering blood pressure, but not for aerobic or weight-loss benefits.
But, here's what a free-thinking, intuitive yogi knows from her own experimental "studies". People CAN and do lose weight through a yoga practice! I've seen people transform their physical beings. And I have a a couple of conclusions as to how it came about.
Firstly, weight is often times an emotional issue. I mean, if there's one thing Oprah taught the world, it's that she ate to quell her insecurities and soothe her fragile emotional state. Watch an episode of a weight loss makeover show and 9 times out of 10, the person will have an emotional revelation that allows them to move forward and lose weight. If they don't have it, the pounds just don't seem to come off as the science would expect.
Will yoga resolve your emotional issues? No, but a solid yoga practices gives you the tools to release outdated emotional habits that aren't serving your highest self. You become more mindful, more aware, and less emotional moment to moment. As you begin to string moments together, you have the power to make new choices. You become more mindful of the process of eating for health and less likely to engage in "mindless eating habits".
Secondly, the poses done frequently with awareness CHANGE your body SHAPE. I don't know if this translates to losing pounds, but it does to losing inches! You will discover that your torso is slimming through lots of time spend in Warriors and spinal twists. You'll watch as your muscles lengthen and elongate over your bones; measure yourself -- I bet you actually are taller! But, even if you are not, you appear longer and thinner!
Third, and finally, yoga helps you breathe, relax, slow down and release stress. When your stress level is reduced and stress is no longer building up in your being, all of your body processes work optimally and effectively. Your immune system is more efficient. Your digestive system is more effective. Your excretory system is more cleansing. This can only be beneficial to someone hoping to lose excess weight.
Do these three things translate to dramatic weight loss in an average individual who goes to yoga once a week? No. But do they start to add up when an individual is committed to practicing yoga 3 times a week and, in addition, is attempting to adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle? Then, yeah. I think they do.
There is no simple answer. But the truth that I know is this: Yoga transforms people who want to transform and are committed to it.
Love this one! I have found that yoga has helped me focus less on weight and more on health.
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