When practicing Vrksasana (tree pose), or Lord Dancer, or Crow, or any other yoga pose that requires balance; if you are not in the moment, if you're mind strays away from what you're body is presently doing, you will fall over; or at least trip..... Literally.
Its that simple.
And, similarly, I have learned that when you are not in the moment during your everyday routine that is exactly when you will fall over or get tripped up. Literally or symbolically.
Simple tips for being in the moment:
hang out with children or puppies.
breathe. mindfully. in for 4. pause. out for 4.
practice yoga or run or dance or exercise in any way that you prefer.
create: arts, music, crafts, writing, words, movement.
focus fully on one task at a time instead of multitasking (as a mom, i am fully aware that sometimes multitasking is necessary and a timesaver, but i also know that sometimes its just a distraction and nothing gets done well or quickly. know the difference).
unplug from technology. (after you read this blog)
plug into nature.
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